“老朽坐鎮陣眼現成你去查探一下東南那邊的動向”?????Jack Sweeny is a young man just trying to get a job. Turned down at another bank due to his criminal record he meets a girl, Rebecca, but also witnesses a 3 way shootout between 2 groups of criminals and the cops over a suitcase containing perfect plates for counterfeiting bank notes. Jack grabs the plates and attempts to sell them via his friend Zippo. However with at least three different groups ready to kill him for the plates, Jack finds it's just one double cross after another.???夜幕下一支特種部隊潛入密林執行一項針對國際毒販烏達達(諾敏達來飾)的偵查任務沒想到猴子(李晨浩飾)和他的隊友剛著陸就遭遇了敵人的巡邏兵一場惡戰后雖然消滅了敵人猴子的隊友卻也悉數犧牲為了完成任務猴子孤身一人深入敵后在路上救下了被毒販劫持的女孩錦英(徐冬梅飾)猴子在錦英的幫助下終于找到了烏達達的老巢卻發現錦英的身份并不是像她自己說的那樣簡單……?????