石像表皮一點點波瀾從中蒸騰出土黃的煙霧??怡紅院里幾棵枯萎的海棠忽然開出艷麗的花朵眾人紛紛議論不久元妃薨逝寶玉丟玉癡病復發賈母決定給他娶親沖喜王熙鳳想出了明娶黛玉實娶寶釵的“掉包計”聽說要娶林妹妹寶玉心病全消不曾想新娘是寶姐姐癡病再度發作此刻黛玉病臥瀟湘陣陣喜樂傳來黛玉柔腸寸斷香消玉隕不久寧、榮二府被錦衣衛查抄賈母魂歸地府王熙鳳也落魂金陵姐妹們死的死嫁的嫁出家的出家孑然一身的賈寶玉隨一僧一道飄然而去??Stoner, an Australian cop, has been investigating the spread of a mysterious addictive drug that acts like an aphrodisiac and a hallucenogen on anyone who takes it. When his own sister falls under its influence, he travels to Hong Kong to hunt down the man behind the drug trade, the evil billionaire Mr. Chin. At the same time, a Taiwanese officer has also been sent to stop Chin's drug empire. Together, She and Stoner battle the drug kingpin's dealers and henchmen.??