但是在其目光中卻又似乎有許多熟悉的東西???A story of a police who infiltrates inside Yakuza which has business in US soil. But soon he discovers the beauty and respect of family he's offered place in.. Companela's guys, Italian mafiosos are seen arrogant and dumb, while Japanese criminals are somewhat peace loving; a bit too romantic setting. But still, not bad setting. Ryo Ishibashi acts well as Japanese Yakuza, and Viggo Mortensen is ever so cool.??卡拉雖說是一條雜種狗老二(葛優 飾)卻十分愛惜它在老二心中為了生活他處處要討人歡喜只有卡拉才會想辦法討他高興但是老二的運氣卻糟糕透頂——他妻子玉蘭遛狗的時候警察因為卡拉無證把它抓走要換回卡拉必須要掏5000塊錢辦一個養狗證件對于卡拉一家5000塊錢需要省吃儉用才能存下老二決定先跑跑關系兒子亮亮找來了同學幫忙因為他的老爸有點手腕然而人家卻不肯幫這個忙老二急中生智想起卡拉是老同事楊麗的狗下的崽他找來楊麗的狗證卻被警察識破老二和楊麗費勁周章各種辦法都要不回卡拉還被玉蘭誤會二人相好更糟糕的是兒子亮亮又犯了事被拉進警察局一家三口和卡拉竟然以這種方式在警察局相遇……???