神情依舊懶散不變但令人心悸的恐怖氣勢勃然而發??Based on a true story of a prep school student who smuggled $300k of uncut cocaine into the US in 1984. THE PREPPIE CONNECTION chronicles the exploits of a group of private school students who ran a drug distribution operation in the early 1980s. The story centers on Toby, the lower-class scholarship student, who uses his street cred and access to drugs to make friends with the popular kids, eventually allowing him to cultivate a drug trafficking network. Toby gets in far over his head as he ...??故事發生在繁華的大都市倫敦一場爆炸案的發生讓居民們人心惶惶很快一個名為埃爾多安的男人以嫌疑人的身份被關進了監獄政府聲稱掌握了重要而秘密的證據足以為埃爾多安定罪檢察院派出的律師克勞迪婭“有幸”親眼見證了這批過于神秘的證據她將出庭作證讓克勞迪婭感到吃驚的是埃爾多安的律師不是別人正是她的前男友馬丁曾經的情人成為了如今的對手克勞迪婭該如何自處隨著時間的推移馬丁在自己所掌握的種種線索之中發現了一個驚天秘密這個秘密將他和克勞迪婭卷入了危險之中??