雖說那時是因為發現了他天罡之身的不同凡響才引入廣乘門墻之下但如今看著憨龍兒的笑臉燕趙歌心中也感到極為喜悅??錢子樓為了躲債躲到了精神病院可他親眼目睹了楚大夫死在了自己面前并發現這個醫院鬧鬼錢子樓和護士婉清不相信是鬧鬼他們展開了調查他們懷疑是左院長害死了楚大夫可沒想到很快左院長也遇害了、左院長、楚大夫和護士小美都意外的被害他們的手里還拿著一把古鎖夏雪吟大夫也被人差點害死一件件驚悚詭異的事件在醫院上演了醫院里鬧的人心惶惶人人自危婉清也陷入到了危險中到底誰是兇手??Rushlights” revolves around Billy Brody (Joilly Brody (Josh Henderson) and Sarah (Haley Webb),two delinquent young lovers from the suburbs of Los Angeles, traveling to ag lovers from the suburbs of Los Angeles, traveling to asmall Texas town to falsely claim a dead friend’s inheritance. The two teens,haunted by their own dubious pasts while pursuing their scam, wind up in anightmare of greed and betrayal when confronted with the twisted and bizarreunderworld of Tremo, TX – population 2870.??