燕趙歌心中留意神色不變(未完待續)??一位名叫諾瓦麗·雷辛的17歲女孩在離開已生活多年的位于田納西的拖車式房屋后準備去加利福尼亞尋找新生活但在俄克拉荷馬懷孕多時的雷辛卻遭到男友無情的拋棄由于沒有錢雷辛只好躲在當地一家沃爾瑪商店里生下了孩子并因此成了當地的“名人”她決定把這一給了她新生命的地方當作新的家并與一位圖書管理員產生了真摯的戀情??In Manhattan, everybody is connected by less than six degrees of sexual separation. A first encounter sparks a series of intimate and comedic moments linking ten New Yorkers in a chain reaction of love and desire. Inspired by Arthur Schnitzler's play "La Ronde" and set in present-day Manhattan, 30 BEATS explores a series of encounters between ten people connected by the laws of.??