而在對面那座白玉大門表面的裂紋也越來越多越來越密漸漸遍布整座大門??王小禾父母早逝孤身一人在大城市打工她暗戀上了青年才俊鄭天樂一日意外目睹流氓打昏天樂她將天樂送到醫院因一枚鉆戒被鄭家人誤以為是天樂未婚妻心念天樂安危小禾以未婚妻的身份繼續在醫院照顧天樂卻遭到鄭家大哥鄭天籌的種種懷疑天樂何時醒來小禾如何走出這個愛情迷宮??Desperate to experience true emotion, a young woman, CARYS, regularly attends the funerals of strangers. But she's unprepared for the secrets she must keep and the lies she must tell when, at one fateful wake, she falls for TYLER, who is mourning his fiancée. As Carys allows herself to experience love for the first time, she begins to fear that perhaps her fascination with death might lead to her own untimely demise...??