習慣上天域疆土分五洲火域也是五洲風域除了西極大漠以外其他適合人居住的地方被分為四洲雷域則是六洲???新西蘭老科學家發明一個名為“天狼星”的三棱鏡它可將人的潛能激發形成難以置信的超能力但這項發明很快被當地一黑社會組織盯上他們襲擊實驗室殺害老科學家危急時刻天狼星被參加實驗的青年金剛(許冠杰 飾)和科學家的女兒莎莉(葉倩文 飾)帶出新西蘭來到香港返港后金剛尋求偵探光頭佬(麥嘉 飾)的幫助誰知黑幫尾隨而至虜走光頭佬的妻子賀警司(張艾嘉 飾)作人質為救愛妻光頭佬帶著兒子協同金剛趕至新西蘭……???After being implanted with a microchip that gives him special powers, a dog engages a young boy in conversation and adventure. Befriended by a local police officer, the dog, the boy and his friend go on a quest to save the world by undoing the insidious plot of an evil scientist to turn all kids into mindless robots???