尤其惹人注意者便是昔年爭議頗大的六魂幡??二十年前長孫家遭八大高手滅門長孫盈、長孫卿帶著家傳武學從秘道逃脫后追隨拜火教主東方彬分別化名孫盈、王太白自此決心殺八大高手報仇段小峰與王非煙繼續查案親眼目睹蔡上將殞命又接到了長春子的死訊灰心喪氣的段小峰回到京師偶遇假裝被賣到沙洪幫的孫盈將其帶回葉家安置當孫盈決定放棄殺葉無忌正準備離開時卻被葉無忌發現其真實身份二人決戰欲做了斷戰后兩敗俱傷身負重傷的葉無忌回家途中被王太白暗害峨眉派逍遙子到六扇門奔喪段小峰從其傷口發現這正是那夜追殺他們的黑衣人明白了一切的段小峰攜王非煙前往拜火教總壇光明峰正邪兩派人馬、以及兩撥兇手齊聚此案的真相以及二十年前的秘密被——揭開??The Face of the Serpent is an action-thriller with strong political undertones of local government corruption. The film focuses on a morally conscious assassin called Quinn. His next target is a Russian immigrant named Tasha, whom Quinn is misled into believing is a drug courier. During Quinn's surveillance of Tasha, planning for the perfect moment to make his kill, he becomes infatuated with her beauty and pure innocence. Ultimately, Quinn rescues Tasha from the hands of another assassin and...??