“我跟木吒之間本無矛盾但在我殺了李靖后一聲‘二哥’卻也叫不出口了他沒錯但我更沒錯”??Ralph Anderson returns to his remote California hometown for the first time in many years. Now a lawyer, he has been estranged from his father, Lloyd, and brother, Tippy, ever since being sent to reform school as a youth for stealing a car, taking the blame for his brother's crime.Lloyd is now sheriff and Tippy his deputy. Forced to represent a wanted criminal, Ralph asks the law to look the other way while a local airfield is used to enable the mobster, Massonetti, to flee the country. A dis...??本片是印度裔導演M·奈特·沙馬蘭繼大獲成功的《第六感》之后推出的又一部重要作品影片屬于典型的“有限空間”恐怖片沙馬蘭再一次向美國人民販賣了他最拿手的神秘主義全片氣氛詭異潛在寓意豐富難怪成了一部爭議之作\r 1897年賓夕法尼亞州有一座名為考明頓的小村莊這里風光秀美景色宜人村民間更是團結友愛和善為親過著平靜自在的生活然而考明頓村民的心中卻有著一個揮之不去的夢魘傳說在村子周圍的叢林中隱藏著殘忍而恐怖的怪物它們和村民間似乎有著一道不可僭越的約定雙方守在各自的領地秋毫無犯但是近一段時間種種跡象表明盤踞在森林中的怪物正試圖踐足人類的領地人們對此無計可施只能用古老的辦法——在樹干漆上黃色——來阻退怪物 \r 為了醫治母親的病年青人路西斯(杰昆·菲尼克斯 Joaquin Phoenix 飾)決心去森林另一邊的城鎮采購藥品這一舉動徹底改變了考明頓的命運……??