“封師姐也是如此……難怪他們都和燕師兄比較親近。”楊千華初來香港投靠在開夜總會的姨媽門下當起了侍應生在夜總會中經理昌叔和炮哥平分天下江湖上流傳著許多關于炮哥的傳說千華更是將炮哥當做是自己心目中的偶像炮哥一直深愛著舞女琪琪無奈琪琪無法忍受前者粗暴的脾氣最終選擇了離開趁著炮哥消沉之際昌叔設計將炮哥驅逐夜總會全權落入了昌叔的手中炮哥離開之后昌叔打起了千華的主意而單純的千華在不知不覺中落入了昌叔的圈套最終欠下了巨額債務流落街頭的千華偶遇了炮哥兩人談起昌叔均義憤填膺為了報仇雪恨亦為了奪回曾經失去的動心千華和炮哥決定聯手鏟除昌叔該劇是講述危險且不成熟的「Pre-青春」們直面這個世界的感性青春劇18歲因為細微的事情也會被卷入感情的旋渦和誰都會產生小摩擦將真實地描寫18歲的這些瞬間引發觀眾的共鳴邕圣祐飾演習慣性孤獨的18歲少年崔俊宇對一直獨處的俊宇而言寂寞就是日常他不擅長表達自己的情緒也不努力去和別人產生共鳴但有著呆萌可愛的反轉魅力俊宇以轉學為契機開始發生變化金香起飾演俞秀彬她是在媽媽的野心和極端逼迫下誕生的優等生是在媽媽全方位的完美管理下沒有明確的夢想和目標活得很茫然的18歲少女秀彬真正的夢想就是獨立生活當她遇到俊宇之后她的生活開始發生了小變化申承浩飾演馬輝英他是外表看起來很完美但內心有陰影的人物他外表出眾性格紳士是大家都很信賴的人物在他完美的外表下其實隱藏著自卑的心看上去很堅強的他其實很膽小18歲少年馬輝英因為車俊宇這個強力的轉校生的出現他的鐵壁高墻開始崩塌由申娜妍導演執導《Blood》副編劇尹景雅執筆 The story begins in today Istanbul, when a woman called I??k (Bade ???il) arrives at an old house. There she recalls the past and friends of her youth. Back in 1998, a group of young people (Eda, Osman, Sinan and Kerem) studying in a school of Istanbul are at risk of exclusion because of their poor behaviour. They are very different from their classmates and, therefore, very lonely. A headmaster and most of the teachers are against them, and only one called Burcu (P?nar Deniz) does her best to protect the youngsters. However, they find out that Burcu is getting relocated, and this means that all of them will be excluded after her departure. In order to prevent this, students unite and make a plan: they will make Burcu fall in love so that she stays in Istanbul. According to the law, after marriage she will be able to choose a place of work by herself. They ask for help from I??k, an excellent student and a girl with a big heart. Soon she becomes a part of their company. This union helps the students change for the better, understand themselves, realize the importance of true friendship, find love and their own way in life. At the same time, their plan helps Burcu change her outlook on life and find true love with a new unsociable teacher called Kemal (Kaan Urganc?o?lu).我不是潘金蓮一個耐撕的故事重生前宋初九是個軟包子死去活來的愛著一個男人卻落得尊嚴全無……蕭墨清這個渣男心中只有白月光蘇璃眼看著她被人欺負和她結婚就是為了報復她重生后白骨精宋初九發誓——我不離婚誓不為人于是一手撕綠茶一手虐渣男的幸福生活就這樣開始了……BBC喜劇《我的媽啊Motherland》第三季確定北京時間5月11日回歸新季共5集微電影《喜劇英雄》講述了緋聞纏身的知名喜劇演員宋英雄為提升個人形象被團隊安排參與臨終關懷志愿者服務并在老人呵護中心接觸到一位想要自殺的老頭英雄和老頭一起在最后的生命路上共同成長鬧出了不少笑話《國土安全Homeland》的幕后PatrickHarbinson為ITV開發小說改編的3集劇《塔樓TheTower》根據KateLondon小說改編的《塔樓》講述一名老巡警及一名少女從倫敦東南部一座塔樓墜落身亡而在屋頂上的五歲孩子及新人警官LizzieGriffiths則雙雙失蹤警長SarahCollins被征召加入調查她努力搜索Lizzie但卻發現背后隱藏著的可怕真相在小說系列里LizzieGriffiths及SarahCollins是重要角色??????