這一拐之間竟然讓他打出幾分太易之拳的味道??國際通緝毒販查猜為新的交易潛入國境一場蓄謀已久的陳年舊仇與警方的臥底行動也在這場毒販的交易中交織碰撞與此同時以喬楓為主的三個少年也誤打誤撞卷入這場是非之中成為其中最大變數原本平靜的生活其實已變得危機四伏故事以一個丟失的神秘U盤為導火索在金老板的布局下展開利益角逐黑白爭斗的熱血之戰究竟其隱藏著什么樣的驚天陰謀個人感情與國之利益少年又將如何選擇無間紛爭明暗交鋒鹿死誰手……??In Manhattan, everybody is connected by less than six degrees of sexual separation. A first encounter sparks a series of intimate and comedic moments linking ten New Yorkers in a chain reaction of love and desire. Inspired by Arthur Schnitzler's play "La Ronde" and set in present-day Manhattan, 30 BEATS explores a series of encounters between ten people connected by the laws of.??