一眾南方武者都感到歡欣鼓舞??Bunty loves his girlfriend Tanya but runs a mile whenever she mentions marriage. His phobia with matrimony stems from his parents Kishen and Mala's acrimonious marriage. But now Bunty is in a fix. Tanya's grandfather, Professor Anthony Gonsalves, as given him an ultimatum - get married to Tanya or stop seeing her. Bunty knows that unless he does something fast, his dreams of living happily ever after with Tanya will bite the dust.??如果有一天你身邊突然多了一個鬧心的女孩自稱自己是個天使還能完成你的愿望你會不會被她鬧的崩潰掉就在一個很普通的日子里宋紫救了海洋館潛水員陸吾一命從此纏上了他她要求陸吾和她一起去幫助那些需要幫助的人——什么都不缺就是不快樂的大富豪金總有結婚恐懼癥的年輕女孩郭畫和一只想要變成人的狗紛紛進入了他們的世界展開了一系列啼笑皆非又治愈溫暖的故事本片由厲家兵麥童領銜主演武然導演相聲皇后于謙老師親情加盟領銜強大的喜劇友情出演陣容——喜劇女神宋寧 金牌捧哏武賓 閑人馬大姐夫李建華和著名青年相聲演員賈旭明老師共同擔綱主演——看點多多爆笑治愈的電影即將開始——??