身份暴露被逮著了絕大多數時候可不是單單驅逐那么輕松而是要見血的?? The story begins in today Istanbul, when a woman called I??k (Bade ???il) arrives at an old house. There she recalls the past and friends of her youth. Back in 1998, a group of young people (Eda, Osman, Sinan and Kerem) studying in a school of Istanbul are at risk of exclusion because of their poor behaviour. They are very different from their classmates and, therefore, very lonely. A headmaster and most of the teachers are against them, and only one called Burcu (P?nar Deniz) does her best to protect the youngsters. However, they find out that Burcu is getting relocated, and this means that all of them will be excluded after her departure. In order to prevent this, students unite and make a plan: they will make Burcu fall in love so that she stays in Istanbul. According to the law, after marriage she will be able to choose a place of work by herself. They ask for help from I??k, an excellent student and a girl with a big heart. Soon she becomes a part of their company. This union helps the students change for the better, understand themselves, realize the importance of true friendship, find love and their own way in life. At the same time, their plan helps Burcu change her outlook on life and find true love with a new unsociable teacher called Kemal (Kaan Urganc?o?lu).?????《海軍罪案調查處》第2季NCIS是NavalCriminalInvestigativeService的縮寫直譯過來就是海軍罪案調查機構這個隸屬五角大樓的特別部門專門從事與海軍以及海軍陸戰隊有關聯的任何罪案調查海軍調查處被賦予了特殊的調查權只要是案情需要任何人都必須接受質詢無論職務和軍銜高低NCIS小組每次都會遇到各式不同的案情從謀殺、緝毒、諜報活動、到反恐行動、甚至是神秘宗教無奇不有雖然同樣由CBS電視網制作NCIS卻和CBS的另一王牌劇《犯罪現場》(CSI)有著極大差別NCIS每集只專心講述一個案子CIS重點在于犯罪證據的收集和調查NCIS側重于案情的懸疑曲折以及主要角色的鮮明個性第二季開頭的一個案子就非常有代表性一家軍用直升飛機停在麥田中央直升飛機周圍的麥田全部伏倒形成了一個圓圈而駕駛飛機的海軍陸戰隊員則已經不知去向這樣的開頭不禁一下讓觀眾想到了外星人不過NCIS畢竟不是《X檔案》事情的真相還是要回歸到真實的生活中來個性鮮明的幾位長線角色也是NCIS吸引觀眾的另外一大賣點上到調查處頭頭吉不斯小到一個驗尸官的助手每一位NCIS成員都有著與人不同的特殊性格這樣一來每位觀眾都能在劇中找到自己喜歡的角色@m.yakutv.cc??