她抱著胸試圖像那天霸氣側漏的謝媽媽學習一二分氣勢到底還是有點露怯??山東小子馬永貞的拳腳功夫雖十分了得但因屬無名小輩初到十里洋場的舊上海的他也只能憑借過人力氣做苦力因為秉性善良路遇不平事時馬永貞會拔刀相助令某歌女對他暗生好感也因此得以成為上海灘風流倜儻、武藝高強的黑道“不小人物”譚四的好兄弟因為對譚四成就的羨慕馬永貞決意憑自己的拳腳打出一片天下來并漸漸如愿以償可惜江湖險惡他沒想到地盤逐漸擴大的自己和譚四成了楊老板的眼中釘不久他目睹譚四為楊老板所殺決心為譚四報仇然而他的仗義和功夫并不能玩轉江湖的游戲規則??The Face of the Serpent is an action-thriller with strong political undertones of local government corruption. The film focuses on a morally conscious assassin called Quinn. His next target is a Russian immigrant named Tasha, whom Quinn is misled into believing is a drug courier. During Quinn's surveillance of Tasha, planning for the perfect moment to make his kill, he becomes infatuated with her beauty and pure innocence. Ultimately, Quinn rescues Tasha from the hands of another assas...??