看守此地的廣乘山長老說道:“之前還在前兩日剛剛離開”??民國初年北洋政府新任命的教育部官員夏希尊在上任途中一雙兒女流落民間姐弟倆在養父母的培育下坷坷絆絆長大成人一心要出人頭地的姐姐寄萍忍辱負重先后拜師學琴書、學京劇終于學得一身技藝成為一帶名伶然而亂世如斯民主共和、欺世盜國、軍閥混戰日寇入侵留著兩撇小胡子一臉邪笑的張宗昌還有一個亂世梟雄韓復榘無一不影響著姐弟倆的生活出落成美若天仙的姐姐不得不在夾縫尋求生存之道而在學校里接受了新思想的弟弟卻走上以命抗爭的革命之路……? It's 1989 and Mo makes his first big "discovery" as a newly minted jazz producer. Dawn's still serving time for masterminding Black Monday, Blair learns the hard way how to play politics, and Keith discovers that the late Lenny Leighman has some big follicles to fill. Mo hatches a plot to get Dawn an early release.??