他們同界上界玉京巖一脈的關系尤其惡劣???賭界賭神失蹤九宮無主賭界混亂一身正義但絲毫不懂賭術的男人——寶哥為父報仇隱姓埋名勇闖九宮他憑借快速記憶和見招拆招的本領驚險過了兩宮之后被暫時掌管賭界的第八宮宮主龍霸天盯上龍霸天懷疑寶哥身份陸續派若離和黑衣人監控寶哥不料若離喪失的記憶隨著跟寶哥的相遇逐漸恢復恢復記憶的若離發現原來掌門并沒有失蹤而是被一心想要當賭神的龍霸天控制龍霸天計謀敗露后與寶哥決斗慘敗寶哥的身份也隨之揭露原來他正是當年賭界大亂被掌門送走的兒子——高興也是若離親梅竹馬的戀人??After being implanted with a microchip that gives him special powers, a dog engages a young boy in conversation and adventure. Befriended by a local police officer, the dog, the boy and his friend go on a quest to save the world by undoing the insidious plot of an evil scientist to turn all kids into mindless robots???