沒了彌勒尊佛祖阻撓無量天尊想要降臨自然不成問題??Meet Steve, a fame-hungry, self-absorbed comedian on the verge of joining the ‘big league’. When he accidentally kills Mike, a jealous wannabe stand-up comic, he becomes convinced that the man’s ghost is haunting him. He tries meditation to calm his nerves, but an out-of-body experience allows Mike’s spirit to take over his body.???簡介:本片由著名演員詹姆斯?卡沙莫華金?桑切斯和娜塔莎?阿蘭姆聯手出演上演一個集地下探險、科幻軍事以及驚悚懸疑于一體的影片一個軍事強國在戰爭時期曾進行過一個克隆軍隊的秘密項目意圖與敵國抗衡這些克隆軍人訓練有素并且驍勇善戰但是卻越發不受控制終于這個項目因為太危險而被取消參與的科學家也都被滅口而多年以后幾個探險家決定再次深入地下探尋這個埋藏多年的秘密與克隆人的大戰虎口脫險驚險刺激??