但看著黑衣錦帝隕落在自己面前燕趙歌表情無悲無喜??Monica teaches, Steve's a photographer. They've dated more than two years. They're arguing, and she leaves for her apartment, only to return in a few minutes to say they should stop seeing each other. A few days later, they're back together, but within two hours, he takes offense at an off-hand remark, and the separation starts in earnest. They see other people, then, out of the blue, Steve asks Monica to marry him. She says yes, and a time of ecstasy begins: they interview strangers, asking ...??弗雷德和鮑勃是兩名窮困潦倒的流浪漢一日在酒吧中他們從精明智慧的霍華德口中聽聞了有關金礦的消息走投無路的兩人打起了淘金的主意他們謊稱是獵人駐扎在了山上經歷了種種苦難的挫折幸運的三人找到了金礦然而隨著金砂數量的增加原本相互信任的三人之間出現了裂痕在一次下山采購的過程中名叫科迪的年輕人發現了他們秘密跟隨而來的科迪表示想要從中分一杯羹三人決定殺之而后快就在這個節骨眼上一群土匪開始向山上進發他們想要的是這三個“獵人”狩獵得到的“獸皮”在種種陰謀和貪婪本性的趨勢下本來有著美好前景的三人走向的破滅的結局??