就算燕趙歌自己不用交給其他信得過的人也可能發揮意想不到的作用?劉嘉玲與毛舜筠均任職重案組劉嘉玲乃新扎高級督察辦事滿有沖動而毛舜筠則對警隊失去信心她們的線人羅美薇為貪線人費無意中發現一宗黑槍交易但羅美薇怕入旋渦不愿冒險探料唯劉嘉玲苦苦相迫羅美薇向上司反應但上司反叫羅美薇以身作餌引黑幫主腦出現羅美薇大罵二人視人命如草芥劉嘉玲感極難受毛舜筠知羅美薇生命危險決心保護但最后羅美薇仍被殺而死前把線索交予毛舜筠毛舜筠、劉嘉玲和上司追查下與黑幫主腦碰面混亂中上司被挾持亦首次嘗試到死亡邊緣的滋味最后毛舜筠、劉嘉玲合力救回上司并找回失槍從此以后毛舜筠、劉嘉玲皆對人生、事業有積極的改變??In the inspired Olivier concept, Shakespeare's play begins as a performance in the Globe Theatre, shifting in broad cinematic terms to an epic narrative of Henry V, who had developed from a dissolute youth to a purposeful monarch. Proving his ability as a soldier and skillful leader, he unites the dissident factions in the English army and goes on to crush the French, against enormous odds, at Agincourt. Arranging a treaty with the French court, he woos Princess Katharine to whom he is formal...?