“傅紅蓮人才出眾我很欣賞不過僅就目前來說并沒有求凰之意”燕趙歌擺擺手?為了追捕一個隱藏于茫茫白雪中的連環殺人犯卡麗身陷在一個孤立無援的環境當中自以為是獵人的她其實是被窺探了好久的獵物???A story of a police who infiltrates inside Yakuza which has business in US soil. But soon he discovers the beauty and respect of family he's offered place in.. Companela's guys, Italian mafiosos are seen arrogant and dumb, while Japanese criminals are somewhat peace loving; a bit too romantic setting. But still, not bad setting. Ryo Ishibashi acts well as Japanese Yakuza, and Viggo Mortensen is ever so cool.?