距離自己在極北冰原觸動地脈冰髓已經過去一段時日??Barbara is a very rich girl who falls in love with Norman Phiffier, a poor young man. She doesn't tell him who she really is and prepares to marry him. But, Mrs. Tuttle (Barbara's mother) doesn't want her daughter to mary such a poor man. So, she hires Norman at one of her big stores, and gives him the most difficult and disgusting works. She hopes that seeing Norman humiliated, Barbara will finally leave him. But things don't work exactly this way...??查理和本參觀了一家酒吧然后決定去一家時髦的餐廳現在陶醉了他們與一個法國花花公子和他的女友發生沖突大班長的服務生猛烈地驅逐了本隨后又驅逐了查理兩人再次訪問了一家酒吧然后前往旅館他們對一個呆在大廳對面房間里的年輕女子產生了興趣但是當查理通過鑰匙孔向她窺探時侍者使他停下來查理大吃一驚意識到這名年輕女子的丈夫是餐廳的服務生他迅速退房并搬到另一家酒店同時對服務不滿意的首席服務員和他的妻子也決定搬到另一家酒店不幸的是和查理選擇的是同一家酒店再一次在他對面的房間里走過去當年輕女子的狗撞上查理的房間時她穿著睡衣跟隨她的丈夫回來找查理的妻子顯然處于妥協地位??