說話間那甘霖雨露所化之水脈轟然震蕩??因植物恐慌的博物館館長被塑封成展覽品的母親一出有關圣母的芭蕾舞劇因羅丹而疲累的保安們迷失在性展覽會上的大臣消失在Rembrandt(荷蘭畫家)停車場的汽車一群熱愛印象畫派的外省人調皮的小孩從這個展廳跑到另一個展廳藏身于名畫保管箱中的偷渡者畢加索高更奧霍爾所有人在這個體現眾生百態的小世界里在這個并不完全是虛構的博物館里將人類滑稽可笑的舉動發揮極致??Barbara is a very rich girl who falls in love with Norman Phiffier, a poor young man. She doesn't tell him who she really is and prepares to marry him. But, Mrs. Tuttle (Barbara's mother) doesn't want her daughter to mary such a poor man. So, she hires Norman at one of her big stores, and gives him the most difficult and disgusting works. She hopes that seeing Norman humiliated, Barbara will finally leave him. But things don't work exactly this way...??