莊朝暉的面容漸漸在其中浮現一臉震驚看著燕趙歌??中東情勢吃緊美國國防使出秘密武器派遣一支無堅不摧的海陸空三枝特遣隊前往支援在執行任務過程中特遣隊發現一種致命的導彈落在一群恐怖分子手中為了阻止恐怖分子使用導彈殺害無辜百姓這群受過嚴格訓練的英勇特遣隊成員無畏生命危險要從他們手中奪回導彈??Former British secret agent Harry Palmer now runs a Private Investigation company in Russia. He gets a job to locate and recover a consignment of stolen Plutonium, and with the help of colleague Nikolai Petrov he sets off to St. Petersburg to try and find it. Along the way he must deal with the violent Russian Mafia, and also find Nikolai's girlfriend Tatiana who has been kidnapped.??