當趨近的雙方達到一個平衡點時便是對九幽最有利的時機??假期拜訪弗雷德的叔叔世界級名廚鮑比·弗雷當他們了解了赤鬼傳說和鮑比·弗雷偉大的祖先愛德華大廚失蹤案之后神秘公司很快就意識到這個最先進的烹飪夢幻營里不全是牛排和土豆神秘的赤鬼再次回歸以災難性的方式游蕩在旅店少年偵探們和鮑比、還有他的烹飪搭檔吉亞達·德·勞倫迪斯一起挖掘線索伸張正義歷史會因為又一位世界名廚的失蹤而重蹈覆轍嗎準備好從這場充滿美味佳肴的美食之謎中來上一口吧這里有歡笑還有更加絕妙的驚喜和轉折??Rushlights” revolves around Billy Brody (Joilly Brody (Josh Henderson) and Sarah (Haley Webb),two delinquent young lovers from the suburbs of Los Angeles, traveling to ag lovers from the suburbs of Los Angeles, traveling to asmall Texas town to falsely claim a dead friend’s inheritance. The two teens,haunted by their own dubious pasts while pursuing their scam, wind up in anightmare of greed and betrayal when confronted with the twisted and bizarreunderworld of Tremo, TX – population 2870.??