可惜火焰剛一出現便被淹沒在冰冷洶涌的河水中??洛城警署最令人頭痛的黑白雙探馬丁瑞格(梅爾.吉布森)與羅杰莫陶(丹尼.格洛弗)又重現江湖了1987年“致命武器”一片將梅爾吉勃遜捧上巨星地位他與丹尼葛洛佛搭檔的黑白雙雄警探風靡了全球影壇 在此續集中瑞格與莫陶發現一個走私南非金幣的非法集團經過深入調查后找出幕后走私者竟是南非的外交官艾金(喬斯艾克蘭)他因為享有外交豁免權所以為非作歹、逍遙法外 此時兩人受命保護證人李歐蓋茲(喬.佩西)蓋茲曾替艾金洗錢如今則以證人身份受到政府的保護這個任務可真是個燙手山芋事到如今他們毫無選擇為了保護證人他們的車必須比別人跑得更快、槍必須比別人射得更準一連串火爆驚險的場面隨之而起??Based on a true story of a prep school student who smuggled $300k of uncut cocaine into the US in 1984. THE PREPPIE CONNECTION chronicles the exploits of a group of private school students who ran a drug distribution operation in the early 1980s. The story centers on Toby, the lower-class scholarship student, who uses his street cred and access to drugs to make friends with the popular kids, eventually allowing him to cultivate a drug trafficking network. Toby gets in far over his head as he ...??