嚴旭一言不發緊盯著燕趙歌看了片刻扭頭看向秦長老??Lin Dong, a young man who always wants to bring honor to his family, coincidentally obtained a mysterious stone talisman left behind by a super master of martial arts. Since then, many martial arts sects, great and famous clans, as well as the three super sects of the Zhongshan Kingdom appeared beside Lin Dong, even his once unreachable enemy Lin Langtian began to inexplicably \"care\" about Lin Dong. Through countless hardships and difficulties of contests among sects, wars among states, and wars of succession, Lin Dong cultivated unparalleled martial arts skills by dint of his diligence and the golden opportunity, and was quietly adored by the high-hearted, icy goddess Ling Qingzhu and the quarrelsome sweetheart Ying Huanhuan. However, the leftover evil heretics of the martialists who used to be perils reappeared and Lin Langtian, the sworn enemy of Lin Dong, colluded with them. As a result, Lin Dong had to unite with his two sworn brothers and righteous martialists to fight against the evil heretics by means of the handed-down mastery of martial arts. Finally, Lin Dong kept the charming land safe and sound.??全球聯合的緝毒行動使美洲毒販大受打擊黑手黨黨魁托尼決定起用華裔罪犯洪剛另辟亞洲新路線將金三角的毒品經中國轉運到美國特警隊的女將們在隊長鐵花和孟莉的帶領下與洪剛一伙展開了一場殊死搏斗毒販一一就擒惟獨洪剛僥幸逃脫返回美國美國警方將洪剛逮捕并通知我國將其押解回中國不料他又再次逃脫鐵花從中國趕往美國匯同其他警察一起經過激烈打斗終于消滅了湯尼的販毒集團并將洪押解回國??